Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska -

Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests
25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska

December 7 - 9, 2017.

MIndividualizacija i optimalizacija tretmana dijabetičkog makularnog edema

1. Milka Mavija, Klinika za očne bolesti UKC RS Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Vesna Ljubojević, Medicinski fakultet Banja Luka , Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Saša Smoljanović-Skočić, Klinika za očne bolesti UKC RS Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
4. Emira Ignjatić, Klinika za očne bolesti UKC RS Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
5. Miljana Tepić, Klinika za očne bolesti UKC RS Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Over the last few years there have been changes in the therapeutic order of priority in the treatment of diabetic macular edema and it is now clear that the first place in this race won anti-VEGF drugs, while second and third place is shared by laser and intravitreal corticosteroids. It̒s necessary a good knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms in the proper treatment of diabetic macular edema, because some of our patients have more VEGF in their retina, and others have more different mediators who led to the collapse of hematoocular barrier, so they need to act with different therapeutic modalities. It is not disputed that VEGF is the most important, but not the only factor on which we can and should act in our patients, because we can influence on other inflammatory mediators using other drugs, primarily corticosteroids, and probably many other drugs that are currently being tested in a cascade collapse hematoocular barrier in patients with diabetic macular edema. The future will certainly bring new options gradually evolved, and it̒s up to us to patiently wait, preferring to put the best of what we have available for our patients.

Key words:
dijabetički makularni edem,kortikosteroidi,anti VEGF,laser

Thematic field:

Date of abstract submission:

Drugi kongres oftalmologa Republike Srpske sa međunarodnim učešćem

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